Eldercare Resources
The Eldercare Resource Articles above are written to help you understand the need for and the process of planning for long term care.
There are four key steps to successful long term care planning.
1. Knowledge & Preparation
2. Proper Funding
3. Using Long Term Care Professionals
4.Creating a Personal Care Plan and Choosing a Care Coordinator
  Accurate Reverse Mortgage Corp. - John Correll

John CorrellDiscover the NEW Reverse Mortgage

I began my lending career in 1995. With a core philosophy that people matter the most, I am committed to helping people reach their financial goals and dreams by use of Reverse Mortgage products. I am both an educator and advisor. My passion for making a difference in people's lives shines through.

I have dedicated myself to becoming an expert on Reverse Mortgages. I work with clients who are age 62 and older, their adult children and loved ones and offer them information and education to discover if a Reverse Mortgage is right for their situation. My personal promise to you is to bring honesty, trust and communication back into lending. I am here to help guide you through the entire loan process.

John Correll, CRMP
Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional
NMLS #1004396, #2484031
CA Bur Real Estate – Real Estate Broker #01353015, #02214678

The following advertisement has not been approved or endorsed by FHA or any other government agency.

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Proudly Serving San Diego, San Diego County and Southern California

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  Lineage Lending

John Correll
Accurate Reverse Mortgage Corp.

NMLS #1004396, #2484031 CA Real Estate Broker #01353015, #02214678

Phone: (619) 294-9820
Toll Free: (888) 603-1550

4025 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 339
San Diego, CA 92108

Email: john@accuratereverse.com
Web: accuratereversemortgage.com

If you prefer, indicate your needs in the form below and I will contact you to let you know how I can help.

 about the CaCPC

The California Care Planning Council is dedicated to helping families recognize the need for long term care planning and to helping implement that planning.

Integrity, honesty, and a genuine concern for those who are in need of (or may need) long term care are at the heart of our services.